Agricultural Insurance in Developing Contexts

Given that we don't post very often, people who come to this page may have rightly concluded that we have lots of other things going on. Indeed. But we are, in fact, using Find Policy all the time for our own purposes. Right now we are working on an awareness campaign regarding agricultural insurance. So we need to understand what works in that field, and what doesn't. We don't want to reinvent the wheel, and when talking to the relevant government agency, we need to have a thorough understanding of the issue.

In such meetings it's beyond our control whether we are the smartest people in the room, and it's not our ambition in the first place. But it IS our ambition to be the best prepared people in the room, the ones that have done their homework.

Thus, the search:

The studies already give a great insight. Interested in other angles? Checkout the Public Policy search, focusing on big US think tanks. Tucked away under the More tab, there is search of all major donor agencies. Another set of rich pickings. And thus, in a few minutes, we have the information in hand to broadly understand the field, the major discussions, and be briefed up for our project.

Want to try it out? To search major development donors, for example, go here



Search for Donors: Who Does What?

Here is another practical use for Find Policy. Imagine you are a donor, and you want to find out how you have been interacting with think tanks in a particular region, or with institutions working on a particular theme. Now some donors have sophisticated internal databases, but not all do. Find Policy offers a quick alternative.  You can, for example, search South Asia to see where you turn up. And you can search where other donors turn up. To become more specific, you could add a particular topic, say maternal health. This should then take you to all relevant results. Conversely, you could take an issue-oriented search, and check those. 

Again, we are not saying the tool is perfect, since we do not cover all institutions, and websites may not record all interactions. Still, Find Policy gives you fast and focused results, and the type of orientation that often is useful to have when you are preparing a meeting, reviewing impact, or considering new initiatives. 

Click to enlarge.

For relevant search, click any of the engines above, or for additional options, More.