This engine searches the personnel and expert pages of 19 prominent think tanks in the United Kingdom . Search will favor institutions that provide detailed information on their staff. To ensure best results narrow down search as much as possible. 

Currently this engine looks at the staff pages of the Adam Smith InstituteCentre for European Reform (CER), Centre for Social Justice (CSJ), CentreForumChatham HouseDemosFabian Society,  Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), New Economics Foundation (NEF), Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Policy ExchangePolicy NetworkProgressReformResolution Foundation (RF), ResPublica, and the Social Market Foundation (SMF). 

Although we would have preferred to include more institutions, some provided insufficient detail on their staff pages. Among those institutions were the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), CivitasCompassSmith Institute, and the TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA).    

Any further suggestions? Let us know.